3 Important iPad Resources for Science Teachers

April 17, 2017
 Here are three interesting free resources for science teachers using iPad with their students in class. These are courses provided by Apple Education featuring various tips, ideas and content designed specifically to help teachers integrate iPad in their science instruction. You will get to explore curated science collections, discover relevant apps, books and iTunes u materials and lessons to compliment your classroom instruction. We invite you to check them out below and share with us your feedback in our Facebook page.

1- Elementary Science with iPad

‘This course provides tips and resources for discovering and integrating great elementary school science content into everyday instruction with iPad. ’

2- Middle School Science with iPad

‘Learn how other teachers have taught science with iPad, and how you can integrate a variety of content for iPad into your own classroom. You’ll find examples of science lessons to complement your instruction and help you understand how to use different types of content for iPad together. And you’ll explore curated science collections to help you find apps, books, and iTunes U materials that you can use to build your own science lessons. ‘

3- High School Biology with iPad

‘This course provides tips and resources for discovering and integrating great high school biology content into everyday instruction with iPad.’
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