A Free Interactive Guide to Boost Students Learning on iPad

April 6, 2017
After we have posted about the 20 best educational iPad apps for teachers, we are introducing you to this free interactive guide to help your students boost their learning and enhance their productivity through iPad. This resource is created by Apple Education and is available for free download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. The book is full of ideas, tips, and insights on how students can make the best of iPad in their learning. It also features a number of educational activities and mobile apps that support productive learning habits.

Productivity apps in this interactive guide are arranged into four main categories:
1) Productivity fundamentals:
These are apps that help students ‘ manage time, stay on task, keep a schedule, and create to-do lists.’
2)- Getting organized:
 The apps in this category are meant to help students classify, categorize and divide work into smaller tasks.
3-Documenting and reflecting: 
These are apps to use to ‘capture, collect, track data, monitor progress and reflect.’
4- Planning and sharing: 
Students can use the apps in this category ‘to prepare, outline, provide structure, streamline processes, and collaborate.’

‘This book shows educators how to use iPad and multiple apps in connected workflows to help students streamline learning processes, organize assignments, and save time so they can be engaged in more meaningful learning tasks. No matter what grade level or content area you teach, you’ll find versatile learning activities throughout the book that use iPad to enhance student productivity habits.’
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