An Excellent Google Docs Add-on to Search and Insert Free Images in Your Documents

March 3, 2017
The popular Pixabay has a cool Google Doc add-on that allows you to search for and insert free images right in your documents. The process is very simple: after you install the add-on in your Google Docs, Open Pixabay Free Images, type in your query and select from the search results images you want to add. Click on the image to insert it in your document.  With this add-on , you will be able to easily access a treasure trove of high quality images that you can use in your Google Docs without having to worry about copyright.

‘Pixabay images are released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain. You can use and modify these images even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission or giving credits to the artist. However, contents may still be protected, e.g. by trademarks or privacy rights.’Watch the video below to learn more about Pixabay Free Images.

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