Top 10 Educational Games to Use with Students in Class (from Nobel Prize Website)

May 11, 2017, the official site of Nobel Prize, offers a number of interesting educational games you can use with your students in class. These are interactive games and simulations based on Nobel-awarded achievements to teach and inspire students. There are actually over 29 games covering different topics including physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. Most of these games include a ‘Read more’ link to help students learn more about the subject. Below are the 10 most popular games in To access all the educational resources and games, check out this page.

1. The Blood Typing Game
2. The DNA - the Double Helix Game
3. The Immune System Game
4. The Control of the Cell Cycle Game
5. The Pavlov's Dog Game
6. The Electrocardiogram Game
7. The Transistor
8. The Diabetic Dog Game
9. The Split Brain Experiments Game
10. The Lord of the Flies Game
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