12 Very Good iPad Apps for 1:1 Classrooms

April  5, 2017
1:1 Classrooms are teaching/learning environments where each learner has his/her own device be it a computer, laptop, or a tablet. The pedagogical strengths of 1:1 classrooms lies in the fact that they are more conducive to personalized and individualized learning. Yes these learning environments can provide optimal learning experiences for students, but they can also pose some serious problems 'especially in terms of classroom management. Students can be easily distracted by their devices and lose focus and attention. They might try to use social media apps while in class, multitask in a negative way and many more.’ However, whether it is a 1:1 classroom or any other form of learning environment where technology is used, teachers should always make sure the technology used in class is used appropriately.

The purpose of today’s post is to share with you an updated list of what we think are some important iPad apps to use in your 1:1 classrooms. We have included the apps in the visual below so you can print and use it with your students.
  12 Very Good iPad Apps for 1:1 Classrooms
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